Madison and Piper are identical twins, mirror images – on the outside. But one sister will stop at nothing to succeed, even if it means betraying her twin.
The major perk of having someone look exactly like you is swapping lives when your weakness is your sister’s strength. Studious Piper aces Madison’s Biology final, and flawless Madison poses for Piper’s senior pictures. But as they grow older, the stakes of getting caught increase.
Piper has never failed her sister until now, and Madison wonders if her twin intentionally tanked the interview. As Madison questions her sister’s loyalty, a wedge causes the girls to drift apart.
Before they can reconcile, a fatal accident occurs and leaves everyone wondering who survived.
Publication Date:

July 31, 2021

302 Pages

Women’s Fiction Novel/Pscyhological Thriller

Family Saga

Sibling Rivalry

Stand Alone Novel

Twin Switcheroo

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Believable Characters

“Emersyn did an amazing job with the character development. Each person has their secrets, and all their secrets will come together.”

Abbey (Iowa), Book Reviewer


“Alternating POVs makes this book a real page-turner! Switching between Piper, Maddy, and Eleanor… we follow along as they tell their versions of the story. Be ready to want to binge this in one sitting!”

Emily (New York), Good Reads Review

No stopping

“This was such a binge-able read with story chapters and never-ending questions that kept you wanting to read without taking a break. Really enjoyed this one!”

Jenna (Rhode Island), Book Reviewer

So Many Twists!

“You will be tearing through the pages as fast as you can. Discovering more twists and turns, and family secrets as you devour the chapters in gulps.”

Jenny (Vermont), Book Reviewer

Writing Style

“I absolutely love Emersyn’s writing style. It’s so captivating, flows so nicely, and just pulls you right in.”

Lindsey (Rhode Island), Book Reviewer


“Told with alternating perspectives of each of the twins plus a third narrator, the words flew off the page. This is one you don’t want to put down, it’s completely binge-worthy. And the ending is completely jaw-dropping. I love a good surprise.”

Susan (Illinois), Book Reviewer

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